{field trip to Tennessee School for the Deaf}
Starting in January, we will be doing a unit study on Helen Keller! I am very excited about this study!! This will be our first “official” book study with the curriculum Beyond Five in a Row. This will be our first chapter book study with FIAR. There are many wonderful lessons in the manual that we will be covering. The main topics that we will be learning about are:
- Helen Keller’s biography and life facts
- the anatomy of the human eye (this will go along with our Science course this year!)
- cow eye dissection (with our science course)
- Perkins Institute
- vibration and sound
- the 5 senses
- Louis Braille
- Anne Sullivan
- speech therapy
Our main book for this study will be:
Other books we’ll read:
Helen Keller: A photographic story of a life (DK Biography)
Who Was Helen Keller? (Who Was…?)
Helen Keller: Courage in the Dark (Step Into Reading: A Step 4 Book (Pb))
A Picture Book of Helen Keller (Picture Book Biography)
Helen Keller’s Teacher (Scholastic Biography)
A Picture Book of Louis Braille (Picture Book Biography)
Braille for the Sighted (Beginning Braille)
Links & Resources
Helen Keller worksheets – under this biography there are some printable pages – word search, cross word, etc.
More worksheets – these go along with the book, A Picture Book of Helen Keller
Helen Keller portrait coloring page
Helen Keller quotes for copywork and memorization
Online Braille games for children
If you have any other ideas for learning about Helen Keller, please share! 🙂
We are starting a Helen Keller study and just came across these wonderful resources. Thank you for sharing them.