Wow, did I really start this book study back in June?!! ha!! Well, it is now September and we are a little over halfway through the book!! If that isn’t proof that my life is crazy I don’t know what is!! I never intended to draw it out quite this long…but I do hope that God will just bless the timing of these posts and minister to even one of you who is needing encouragement or a boost in this area right at this moment!!
I am at another standstill. I am down 20 pounds and seem to do really well with motivation for 2-3 weeks, then off for a while, up and down. Ugh. Life is a roller coaster, right?? {TMI, but I have also noticed there is definitely some sort of pattern with my cycle going on.}
Chapter 13 talks about how our souls long to be filled. We were indeed made to crave something. Isn’t it amazing how intricately God designed our bodies to be?
“If we fail to understand how to fill our souls with spiritual nourishment, we will forever be triggered to numb our longings with other temporary physical pleasures.” Made to Crave, p. 129.
Something I started praying after reading this book is, “God, be my portion. My daily, moment-by-moment portion. You alone fill all my longings and desires. Be my portion. You are enough. More than enough.”
I wrote a little bit about God being my portion back here in June. There are so many passages (lots listed in that post) that talk about God being our portion. He is just so faithful…I am so weak, I’m desperate for His provision in my life in all areas – especially this weakness.
With our fall schedule in full swing, I have found myself a bit overwhelmed with our schedule. And, because of this, I haven’t been getting in my regular exercise. I was going every other day at minimum, now it is down to 1-2 times per week. I have got to figure out a way to get it in! The problem is that I was going in the evenings after David was home from work, but now our evenings are full of activities! I know I would do really well getting up earlier and doing it before David goes to work. I am just usually so tired from not sleeping well for various reasons…or a child was up in the night…and I always think I need more sleep. Sometimes I am very determined to get up and get going early and then when the alarm goes off I just tell myself it doesn’t matter, I need more sleep, I can always exercise later. But, the “later” is not happening…I need an intervention!! ha!!
So, anyway, that is where I am at this week…how are you doing? I’d love to hear from any of you who are reading this book OR just trying to live a healthier lifestyle?? Post a comment so I can be praying for you!!
Kimberlys Notebook says
20 POUNDS….Your ROCKIN’ girl!!!
Isn’t it nice to breath again? Keep up the fantastic work!!!