I saw this beautiful piece at Miss Mustard Seed’s blog and read about milk paint there as well. I have wanted to paint a few of our pieces of furniture for.ev.er but was scared to death to do it!!
But, when I learned that you DON’T have to SAND first…I was ALL IN! 🙂
I also watched these tutorials to give myself the boost I needed to go for it!
Unfortunately, I could not find Miss Mustard Seed’s milk paint anywhere locally. So, since we have amazon prime and I could get it pretty quickly, I ordered this: Antique White Milk Paint, Pint.
After I painted 2 coats on the dresser, I used sand paper and distressed a few spots. I also put a coat of this on it to protect it: Minwax 23333 Satin Polycrylic Protective Finishes, 1/2 Pint
I am SO excited about how it turned out. I think it is a preference thing…
I know not everyone loves painted furniture, but I am so happy with it. I love, love, LOVE it.
By the way, this piece is over 100 years old!! It was my husband’s great-grandmother’s dresser! My mother-in-law has memories of seeing it in her room when she was little. Fun!
I love the little distressed spots!! That is exactly the look I was going for.
I learned through this process that I am NOT the best furniture photographer. 🙂 I will try better next time.
Honestly, this was so easy that I’m already planning what else I can paint! I just have to figure out a more local way to get the milk paint.

What do you think?
Have you ever painted furniture?
How did it turn out?
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