I am so excited to be sharing this Advent season with you as we pray Scriptures of LIGHT together! I will *not* be posting daily on the blog, but you can follow along with the ebook daily guide or by following me on Instagram with the hashtag #prayingthescriptures — please join me as we focus on Jesus, Light of the World this December!
It is NOT too late to join us! Head over to the shop, order your ebook, print (if you wish) and join us!!
Each day I will be posting graphics like this one below on Instagram and social media. I hope you will join us!
Praying the Scriptures through Advent {Resources}
Don’t forget about these resources to help you focus on Jesus, LIGHT of the World this Advent season!!
- Youtube playlist
- Pinterest board with decorative and home LIGHT projects
- Pinterest board with educational and kid friendly ideas
- More praying the Scriptures ideas and resources
Link-Up Information
I am thrilled that there are several of my blogger friends who are joining us also! If you wish to write a post about Jesus, Light of the World or Praying the Scriptures through Advent, I have a link up for you below!
I would love for you to include a link back to THIS post within YOUR post so that others can find us and share their posts if they wish also!
This link up will be open until 12/31 so feel free to come back and post several times if you post more than once about your Advent season of praying Scriptures!
http://www.ka1rci.net/freedom_birds/trx/F5i/1TQ/g3Ui/trx exercise list