“Seeing answers to your prayers can take time, especially if your marriage is deeply wounded or strained. Be patient to persevere and wait for God to heal. Keep in mind that you are both imperfect people. Only the Lord is perfect. Look to God as the source of all you want to see happen in your marriage, and don’t worry about how it will happen. It’s your responsibility to pray. It’s God’s job to answer. Leave it in His hands.” Stormie Omartian from The Power of a Praying Wife
For the month of February, we are going to pray verses for our husbands and our marriages! I hope you’ll join me in making prayer for our marriages a priority!
Each day you can look up this verse, and join me in praying over this theme for our husbands. You can personalize these prayers and these verses according to your own marriage! I know God is going to do amazing things in our hearts as we make prayer for our husbands a priority!
Verses to Pray for Your Husband
{Click the link or the graphic to download your PDF and print!}
Free Printable Love Notes for Your Husband
Monthly Scripture Prayers & Printables
Monthly Free Printable Scripture Prayers
More Scripture Freebies
When you subscribe to my blog you will receive Quick Start to Praying Scriptures for FREE! A short ebook that will help you learn WHY and HOW to pray God’s Word plus pretty Scripture printables! You will also receive 30 Days of Praying the Psalms!
Love this post and love the printable love notes. Thank you!
Julie, you are so welcome! Thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Thanks for this! I’ll be joining you.
Rachel, so glad you’re joining us!
Thanks so much, Candace!!!
You’re welcome, Edwena! Thank you for always being such an encourager!
Thank you very much for this.
In England,
Nicole, you are so welcome! Thanks for stopping by from England — how cool is that?!? 🙂
I am LOVING Praying the Scriptures for my husband! I am so aware that he needs daily prayer but often come up empty on what to pray for…praying the Scriptures assures me that I am praying HIS will!
I am sad that we are halfway through the month….i may just start over again in March!
Alyssa — so glad you are enjoying this. I am too. In fact {sneak peek} but so many women are loving this (and this post continues to get new hits daily) I am thinking about doing another “praying for our husbands” series…maybe my 31 day series in October…not sure yet, but I’m going to figure out SOMETHING to do with this because so many of us need these little prompts!!
Thank you for the inspirational words.I am glad that now I will be able to pray for my husband to continue loving me,good health and pfinanciall breakthrough. Doris Soweto S.A
Il centro di Catania è prevalentamente pianeggiante. Pensa a tutto corso italia non si può di certo dire che sia in salita ne tutta la prima parte di via etnea, o il lungomare, poi anche per arrivare al fortino le salite sono leggere. L’unica salita pesante da fare in centro è la via di San Giuliano. Io uso da sempre la bici a Catania e non ho mai avuto problemi tranne una piccola caduta senza conseguenze per via del manto stradale completamente dissestato (a Catania ci sono buche enormi ogni 10 metri).
I am a single dad my wife no longer lives with us I am praying these for me….thank you
Bobby, thank you so much for commenting. I love that you are going to take these and pray them for yourself!! I’m saying a prayer for you now, that these prayers and verses will minister to your heart as only God can do!!
Bless you and thank you forgiveness
Love this, thank you so much!
Thank you so much! The timing of my finding this is most certainly God directed. God bless!
I’m going to start this in March since I already have a scripture writing plan for February, and the month is half over. Thanks for sharing.
God’s word never fails. Thanks for sharing these verses. I will be placing them in my bible where I know I will not forget to read often.
Beautiful lovenote printable! You have an eye for design. Love it.