We moved into a new-to-us home on May 31st. In the weeks before we moved and in the months following our move I have been thinking a lot about HOME. The home we sold had been the home we had babies in. The home where all of my kids childhood memories were created. The home full of laughter along with many tears. Slammed doors and sibling fights. Many meals around the table and lots of swinging in the backyard. Home.
See a picture tour of our home here.
When we first moved into our new house, I struggled for it to feel like home, but not for long. And I began to think…
What is this thing called HOME?
Should we ever feel at HOME here on earth, as believers?
We are just passing through…what does that make our homes here on earth?
Yet we are called to be content. And if our eternal home is HEAVEN how do we long for heaven and an eternity with Jesus, yet find contentment and joy in today?
Is it wrong to find contentment and even, dare I say, JOY in our HOMES?
I enjoy decorating and making things beautiful and making my family comfortable…and I think God is ok with that. He is the creator of ALL things…making things beautiful is God’s speciality. Wouldn’t you agree?
Yet, there is a nagging in my spirit that says, “don’t get too comfortable here…”
And that is what I want to explore with you through the 31 day series in October.
Praying for our Homes in October
As we explore what HOME means to each of us, I want us to bathe our homes in PRAYER. Each day we will pray a different passage over our homes and families.
Along with the daily Scripture to pray, I will be sharing glimpses of our new home and how I have been counting and naming the JOYS, the simple and small joys, of being in our new-to-us home.
Find monthly free calendars of verses to pray on this page.
Join me as we pray the Scriptures for our homes beginning October 1st.
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Hospitality: Opening our Homes, Opening our Hearts
As I began writing this series, it kind of took on a new direction.
Instead of decorating tips, I began to feel the Lord prompting me to encourage your hearts toward hospitality.
Y’all. This type of hospitality, though, is brand new for me. It’s not about a pretty table and a mint on your guest’s pillow.
This kind of hospitality is radical. This kind of hospitality asks, “would Jesus be welcome in my home?” This kind of hospitality asks, “would Jesus be welcome in my heart?”
I’m reading Radical Hospitality: Benedict’s Way of Love and I would love to share this book with you.
So, in October, as we PRAY for our homes, we are going to READ Radical Hospitality and DISCUSS in the comments!! I really hope you’ll join me.
How Does Online Book Club Work?
I’ve been reading this book, Radical Hospitality: Benedict’s Way of Love, and it has done quite a number on my heart. I would LOVE to share this with you, discuss it, pray for one another as we open our homes and hearts to Jesus.
Beginning October 1st, as we pray each day for our homes, we will also discuss this book in the comments!
I will have finished the book by October 1st, but if you wish to read as we go that is fine too! If you wish to buy the book now and get started, that is fine too..
We are NOT going to discuss certain chapters on certain days. I will move progressively through the book, but there won’t be assignments for certain chapters on certain days. I, myself, have MORE than 31 things highlighted from this book, so I know we will have plenty to discuss!!
Each day in October I will share 1 verse to pray for your home as well as 1 quote from Radical Hospitality. I will pose a few questions, things I have been pondering myself, and I hope you will join us in the comments section! Come back and answer the replies or comments given before or after you, too!
I like the idea that we can read on our own schedule. I tend to not follow schedules well. 🙂
I love this idea! I’ve done a few random p
I love this idea! I’ve done a few random prayers in the past, but I’ve only been consistent in doing one whole month here – about praying for my husband.
I invited 5 friends to do this challenge for October and 4 agreed.
Friends are the joy of hospitality and I look forward to prying for my home and mybfriends’ home life also.
Peace to you and your family today!