Welcome to this 31 day series where we will spend 31 days covering our homes in PRAYER!! We are also reading Radical Hospitality: Benedict’s Way of Love together and each day I will share a new quote from this amazing book. PLEASE join us in the comments section as we journey through learning to love others as Jesus loves us!
Read more details about this series and the book club here.
Read Day 1 here & print your October calendar of verses to pray.
Verse to Pray for Our Home
Job 31:32
“No stranger had to spend the night on the street, for I opened my door to the traveler.”
God, when we clothe the naked, feed the hungry and open our doors to weary travelers & strangers, we are clothing, feeding and housing YOU. May this be imprinted on our hearts and may our doors be open.
Radical Hospitality Book Discussion
Find book here: Radical Hospitality: Benedict’s Way of Love
I would LOVE to hear from you in the comments! How are you liking the book? What struck you the most??
“Benedict tells us to offer an open heart, a stance of availability, and to look for God lurking in every single person who comes through the door.” Radical Hospitality, p. 18
Is your heart open to strangers? Is your heart open to those that are different from you? Are you willing to have coffee with someone radically different from you? Are you willing to listen without judging? Are you willing to be available to those that God brings your way?
Oh how God is stretching me in this!! What about you?
Who has God allowed your path to cross…and can you see God in him?
I”m a stay at home mom. I don’t go many places or meet many people. It’s hard to be open to people when you don’t meet people. But I”ve been trying to keep a smile on my face and a kind word for those I do interact with. The cashier at the grocery store, the librarian or the stranger I see at the park.