Welcome to this 31 day series where we will spend 31 days covering our homes in PRAYER!! We are also reading Radical Hospitality: Benedict’s Way of Love together and each day I will share a new quote from this amazing book. PLEASE join us in the comments section as we journey through learning to love others as Jesus loves us!
Read more details about this series and the book club here.
Read Day 1 here & print your October calendar of verses to pray.
Verse to Pray for Our Home
Psalm 12:5
“Because of the oppression of the afflicted
and the groaning of the poor,
I will now rise up,” says the Lord.
“I will put the one who longs for it in a safe place.”
God, may our home and our family be a SAFE PLACE for those who need it. Let this begin in our own family! May my husband and my children find refuge, peace and safety in our home. May those that come through our door see Jesus and experience the peace & safety that only He can give.
Radical Hospitality Book Discussion
Find book here: Radical Hospitality: Benedict’s Way of Love
I would LOVE to hear from you in the comments! How are you liking the book? What struck you the most??
“Hospitality is the answer to hostility. Jesus said to love your neighbor, hospitality is how.” Radical Hospitality, p. 23
What would this world look like is believers actually lived the words of Jesus by loving our neighbors?? Does this convict your heart like it does mine?
Beautiful photos and sentiment Joey. What a legacy he left. Life is short but sweet for certain–isn’t it amazing how many lives we touch? This certainly make me think about what high callings God has placed on our lives…and what an honor it is to be chosen by Him to do His work here on earth….Love you. ~Jaim