Welcome to this 31 day series where we will spend 31 days covering our homes in PRAYER!! We are also reading Radical Hospitality: Benedict’s Way of Love together and each day I will share a new quote from this amazing book. PLEASE join us in the comments section as we journey through learning to love others as Jesus loves us!
Read more details about this series and the book club here.
Read Day 1 here & print your October calendar of verses to pray.
Verse to Pray for Our Home
Psalm 23:5
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”
God, You have prepared a beautiful table before me. Help me to go and do the same. Help our home to be a blessing to others. May we be aware and seeking out ways to set beautiful tables before others.
Radical Hospitality Book Discussion
Find book here: Radical Hospitality: Benedict’s Way of Love
I would LOVE to hear from you in the comments! How are you liking the book? What struck you the most??
“Fear shapes our choices. Fear keeps us from living our lives freely. {Speaking of September 11th} Terrorism could have elicited a different response if we were not a people of such deep fear. Could we have used the experience to ask ourselves how we can better live with our Muslim neighbors? How we have failed to be a global neighbor?” Radical Hospitality, p. 24-25
I know this will touch on some nerves. It is NOT my intent to offend anyone. My intent here is for us to search our hearts — how have we let FEAR rule our relationships with others? Do the Muslim need Jesus just like our other neighbors? The homeless? The murderer who sits in jail? How can we be a loving neighbor to the people we are afraid of?
Have we forgotten that perfect love casts out fear?
“Every person of Middle Eastern descent is not responsible for the big, awful thing that happened. Timothy McVeigh did not cause people to fear every white male, unless you already thought white guys were dangerous…It is easier to fear a whole group of people instead of giving one person a chance…To live courageously means giving up the fear and giving every single person a chance.” Radical Hospitality, p. 46-47
Though the world is full of people different from us, the world is desperate for Jesus…just like we are. When Jesus so radically changes our hearts, how can we keep this love and grace to ourselves??
{I came across this quote below from K-Love’s Facebook page as I was working on this series. I thought it fit perfectly!}
Love that quote by Joshua Harris!
Isn’t it great??
“To live courageously means giving up the fear and giving every single person a chance.” –
This post reminds me of Nate Saint and the other men who went to share the Good News of our Savior with the tribes in the jungles of South America. They ended up dying for Yahushua, sharing His love with the people there. And because of Nate Saint’s and the others love, the tribal people who killed them ended up coming to salvation in Yahushua.