Welcome to this 31 day series where we will spend 31 days covering our homes in PRAYER!! We are also reading Radical Hospitality: Benedict’s Way of Love together and each day I will share a new quote from this amazing book. PLEASE join us in the comments section as we journey through learning to love others as Jesus loves us!
Read more details about this series and the book club here.
Read Day 1 here & print your October calendar of verses to pray.
Verse to Pray for Our Home
Proverbs 24:3-4
“By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.”
Lord, we desire Your wisdom. You tell us in James 3:17 that wisdom from heaven is pure, peace loving, submissive, full of mercy, sincere and impartial. We want our homes and our families to be full of YOU: pure, peace loving, submissive to Your Will, full of mercy for others, sincere and impartial. By Your grace, fill us, Lord.
Radical Hospitality Book Discussion
Find book here: Radical Hospitality: Benedict’s Way of Love
I would LOVE to hear from you in the comments! How are you liking the book? What struck you the most??
“Learning to like people will be the work of a lifetime.” Radical Hospitality, p. 54
“By making even a small effort, hospitality allows me to do the difficult thing and that’s always good for the soul.” Radical Hospitality, p. 54
This is where it gets personal for this introvert. I am not naturally a people person. Later in the book the author does discuss boundaries, which I was thankful for, however, I know that HARD THINGS are good for me. I also know that some down time is good for me. But, opening up my heart and home to those that are in need of love…this doesn’t mean that my home becomes a hotel where there are always guests here 24/7. But the impression that this book has left on my heart is more the attitude of my heart. Am I willing to befriend a stranger? Am I willing to love the unloveable? And, if I am willing, what does that look like?
“Hospitality requires not grand gestures, but open hearts.” Radical Hospitality, p. 55
For me, this means, a smile, a cup of coffee, a conversation with someone who just needs to be shown some care…these are ways to open my heart without the “grand gestures” of preparing an elaborate meal, making my home Pinterest-perfect and dressing to a T before having company over. The small things do matter. The small things can show someone who needs encouragement that they aren’t alone and that someone cares.
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