Welcome to this 31 day series where we will spend 31 days covering our homes in PRAYER!! We are also reading Radical Hospitality: Benedict’s Way of Love together and each day I will share a new quote from this amazing book. PLEASE join us in the comments section as we journey through learning to love others as Jesus loves us!
Read more details about this series and the book club here.
Read Day 1 here & print your October calendar of verses to pray.
Verse to Pray for Our Home
Proverbs 31:20
“She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.”
May my arms be open and my hands serving others. May that be said of our family. May our home be a place where others know they are loved and welcome.
Radical Hospitality Book Discussion
Find book here: Radical Hospitality: Benedict’s Way of Love
I would LOVE to hear from you in the comments! How are you liking the book? What struck you the most??
“American spirituality is basically consumer spirituality. God is a product with incredible benefits. God helps us live well, live healthfully, be prosperous and emotionally strong. God is like a great motivational speaker or talk show host who offers a banquet of options for successful spirituality….We are caught up in what is probably the most immature attempt at spirituality humanity seen. It is a spirituality that seeks improvement for life – a better me, a better relationship – but it does not seek God and it does not move us toward others. It seems benefit rather than relationship.” Radical Hospitality, p. 71
Well, that pretty much says it all, doesn’t it? What do you think practical steps would be to help our own hearts not be so materialistic and consumer-driven? How can we enjoy and love God {and others!} for who they are and not what they will give us?
Wow! You are right. This does pretty much say it all. I think if we are honest with ourselves, we really don’t Love Yahuah with all our heart, mind, being, and strength. And love our neighbor as ourselves. We are basically a selfish people, looking only what He will give “me” and do for “me” and not what we can do for others. I am an introvert as you said you are and this is very hard for me.
It is hard for me, too, Ruth! Thank you for chiming in! I’m praying that God will do a work in us that only He can do and guide us as we seek to be more like Him!
Scarily, I saw too much of myself and my prayers in that quote! It was quite an eye opener. So much, too much of my prayers are, “Make me a better (mom/wife/etc.) I throw in there, on occasion so that I can better reflect You. But it’s usually me focused.
I have been becoming more aware of this, and I’m trying to find ways to pray and serve outside of myself and my needs. But I’m having trouble balancing this and taking care of the needs of my family. I’m having a slightly difficult pregnancy with some limiting complications. I’m having trouble finding ways to serve when I struggle to care for my own family.
I don’t know what the solution is. I’m trying to find it.
Hi Jessica! Thank you for chiming in! First of all, I don’t think you need to feel guilty or struggle in not being able to serve outside your home with small children AND a difficult pregnancy!! You are a mother! YOU ARE SERVING your family!! I enjoy doing things at church and other things to help fulfill my calling – which I believe I have calling in and out of the home – but when my kids were babies there wasn’t so much OUT of the home. Continue praying and asking God to show You His way and path for your life…and if He has something for you in this season, I pray He will give you complete peace about it!