“His call to courage is not a call to naiveté or ignorance. We aren’t to be oblivious to the overwhelming challenges that life brings. We’re to counterbalance them with long looks at God’s accomplishments. ‘We must pay closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.’ (Heb. 2:1) Do whatever it takes to keep your gaze on Jesus.
…Memorize Scripture. Read biographies of great lives. Ponder the testimonies of faithful Christians. Make the deliberate decision to set your hope on him. Courage is always a possibility.”
from the book Fearless by Max Lucado
Taking courage isn’t just a cliche. It isn’t out of reach. It isn’t only for the super-spiritual. But we must be intentional. I love it when I read books by famous authors and it goes hand in hand with what I share here on the blog.
We must be proactive and intentional about FIXING our EYES on Jesus. We must turn our gaze to Christ.
How do we turn our GAZE to Christ?
Remember the steadfast love of God.
Memorize Scripture.
Do not forsake meeting with other believers.
Listen to worship music. {Sing along.}
Tell your children stories of God’s faithfulness.
What are ways that YOU are intentional about fixing your eyes on Jesus?
More from Fearless
Love the reminder especially to meet with other believers