I have compiled lots of FREE Memory Work resources for you on this page! Click around, be encouraged and get to work instilling these beautiful truths from Scripture, history and poetry into your kids hearts! You and your children will BOTH be blessed as you memorize together!
Click on each graphic below to find the memory work resources!
If you would like a POEM, a HYMN, and a SCRIPTURE for each month of the year, click on Memory Work Made Easy! There are also free printables and copy work for each month!
Here is a great HOW-TO post that will help you create a playlist on iTunes for your memory work!!
Would you like to get all of your memory work ORGANIZED into a binder? Here is a helpful post on how to do just that!
Do you ever consider the LONG TERM effects of memory work? Do you prayerfully consider what and why you memorize? This post will encourage you to look at the long term view and why we memorize to begin with. Such an encouragement!
More Memory Work Links
- Memory Work Index Page from Brandy at Afterthoughts Blog ~ Be sure to check out the audio of a talk she did on memory work at a local homeschool conference! It was very inspiring for me!
- Memory Work Pinterest Board ~ where I’m pinning inspiring Memory Work posts from all over the web
- WHY We Do Memory Work ~ A guest post I wrote for My Joy-Filled Life on WHY it’s important to me
Memory Work Resources & Tools
- Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization (Book & CDs)
~ this is one of the books and CDs we have used for several years now. The poetry selection is fabulous and the CD helps my kids to hear the poems being recited by someone other than mom! 🙂
- Seeds of Character
– these CDs are the best CDs for listening to music and memorizing scripture! Probably the least cheesy I have found. 🙂