We are learning all about the election this week! This will include a variety of activities from lots of different sources. So, this post will mostly be some links to share with you! If you are in my area, I also had a friend tell me that the library in Morristown is doing some cool election stuff for kids; we may try and get there one day this week!
Ideas, Links & Activities
*print off pictures of candidates onto cardstock, cut around face, glue onto popsicle sticks and VOILA – presidential and vice presidential puppets!
*find a newsy type magazine with lots of pics in it, have kids find and cut out any pictures of presidential candidates, vp candidates, spouses, family members. We will take a piece of paper, divide it down the middle and glue the pictures onto republican or democrat side. This will help us learn the faces and names of candidates, as well as learn who goes with who.
*election lapbook (FREE!) from homeschool share
*a GREAT site for information on both candidates at an elementary level! I printed off the bios of both candidates and we will read this, cut them out and put them as a little booklet into our lapbook
*another FREE election lapbook!
*finger puppets of the candidates! This is super cute, but probably a bit too difficult for my small ones, that is why I chose to do the popsicle stick idea I listed earlier, but I thought I’d share in case anyone else could use it!
*here are some paper dolls for the candidiates. First is Obama’s paper doll, McCain is supposed to come out later this week.
*I always enjoy Elizabeth Foss’s school plans, here are her plans for an election study – including the book D is for Democracy with study guide in case you can still find that one in time!
*I printed off a wordsearch and some coloring pages from abcteach’s election resources
A few good books we’ll be reading
*we will also be reading a few short biographies of some of the more famous presidents
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