As I have been studying and praying about my word of the year, compassion, it seems that I have found myself more and more without compassion.
I don’t think it is any mistake that the Lord would have me choose this word, and then right along with that word, have me start the study Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit by Teri Maxwell. Through these 2 things (my word of the year and the book) the Lord is showing me more and more ways that I am not like Him. That I’m not compassionate. That I’m not meek and quiet. I admit, it has been discouraging. I feel like I’ve been even less meek and quiet with my children lately. (read that: harsh and angry.) I have been down. Frustrated and angry with myself for not being able to change myself or snap out of it.
You know what I have been forgetting these past few weeks?
“Three times I pleased with the Lord to take it away from me. But, he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 2 Cor. 12:9.
I admit, I find it hard to boast in my weaknesses. I would much rather they go away! I have been struggling greatly with my oldest child lately. I have asked a few people to be praying for me…that I can be patient with her (because I haven’t been) and that I could be full of grace towards her (because I haven’t) and that I can love her. I love my children. But at times, my actions don’t show it.
But, God’s word tells me to boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses. You know what? I am weak. I am harsh with her. I’m not patient with her like I could be. We have good moments, but in my mind, the bad outweigh the good at this point in time.
Again, God reminds me that I’ve been looking to myself. I’ve been forgetting that His grace really is sufficient. His power rests on me when I acknowledge, and even boast, in my weaknesses. I can be thankful that God has shown me my weakness because now His power can shine through.
In the book I’m reading, Teri Maxwell reminds us of the power of God’s Word. She reminds us not to neglect that time with Him. When I’m angry, go to Him. When I’m frustrated beyond words, go to Him. When I’m upset that I’ve missed the mark one more time, go to Him. “Cast all your cares on Him, because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7.
God ordained that I be reading this book at this exact point in my parenting journey. He knew just what I needed. And Teri reminds of that in her book:
“I know there were plenty of other activities I could have done over the past 15 years during that half-hour I spent with the Lord. We could have done more schooling, had a cleaner house, more fun playtimes, more ministry, more individual time with each child, more sewing, more exercise, or more sleep! I look back over all those years and all the choices set before me as to how to use those hours. I know there is nothing that could have had the impact on my life, and the lives of my family members, than time with the Lord. This is particularly true in the realm of a meek and quiet spirit. Any other decision for that time would have been one more robber of a meek and quiet spirit. However, time with the Lord is the opposite. It was the one “needful” thing for me. It was a meek and quiet spirit builder!”
I am thankful for today that God has reminded me (once again) that His grace truly is sufficient for me. His grace is sufficient for my parenting struggles. His grace is sufficient for my lack of wisdom. His grace is sufficient for those times I speak harshly to my children. His grace covers me. His power rests on me when I trust in HIS power and not my own. I’m so thankful that though I am weak, so very weak…He is strong!
Jesus loves me this I know
for the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
they are weak but HE IS STRONG.
Amen to being so thankful to do the study on Terri’s book. I recently e-mailed a friend saying that I did not have one aspect of meekness or quietness in my body. His strength is perfect in our weakness. I find myself confessing my lack of meekness so much lately. The Lord is good. Love ya, Candace.
I have noticed the same thing Candace. I notice myself being unkind instead of showing kindness. I think if anything I have become more aware in the last month. And yet sometimes I hear what I’m saying and think “Stop!” but I don’t. Woo, this is hard work. Thank you for sharing that verse.
I happened to see your verse posted on the LPM blog. 2 Cor. 12:9 was my memory verse last time and it has been HUGE for me. I’m praying the same for you. If you have a chance, check out the amplified version of that verse. I LOVE the part that says that Christ’s strength and power pitches a tent over and dwells upon us!!
Your children are adorable and are lucky to have you for their teacher.
Isn’t it so true- the moment I chose my word for the year (gentleness) I felt myself being not gentle- even less gentle than before! We are all in this together. Thank you Jesus that I am perfected in my weakness. That my weakness shall be perfected in His strength. Kellyc