Lately Caleb has been very intersted in God and asking questions about Him…
Caleb: Mommy, did God die on the cross?
Me: No, Jesus died on the cross. Jesus is God’s son like you are daddy’s son.
Caleb: Did Jesus did because we do bad things? (guess he’s been listening to all these conversations I’ve been having with the girls!)
Me: Yes, Caleb that is right. Jesus had to die because of our sin. He died so that we wouldn’t have to.
Caleb: Did Jesus die because I push and hit?
Me: Yes, I guess so. (me being bewildered that he actually put all that together)
Caleb: Will Jesus have to die again if I do flips and be ugly?
Me: No, Jesus only had to die 1 time. He died 1 time for ALL the sins and bad things we did and all the bad things we will do for the rest of our lives. He did that because He loves us so much.
Caleb: Mommy, did God make rainbows?
Oh the mind of a 3 year old. How precious is that. This one goes in his baby book! He is such a precious little guy, and how sweet that he is already asking questions. Love that little fellow!
Goes to show that the little ones pay attention to our words….God bless your sweet family!