Links and Lessons
*HSS has a lapbook for Albert! We will be mostly focusing our learning on birds this week, specifically the cardinal which is featured in the book Albert.
*HSS also has a lapbook for backyard birds that you can use for any bird you’d like to study more in depth! I’d potentially like to study a few more birds in our backyard…but not sure if we’ll get to that this time around or we may save this for later on when spring arrives!
*HSS also has a fabulous unit for The Boy Who Drew Birds: The Story of James Audobon, which we will be reading this week and discussing.
*This link has an excellent bird coloring book that you can download
*We will also be reviving our Bird Watching Center. I need to get a new chart printed up so that we can check off the birds we see at our feeders daily.
*I also want the girls to start a “Life List” of birds we see. This site gets into some more serious details, but I am going to put a simple chart/list in the girls nature notebooks for them to keep. (I would kind of like to do this for me too!!)
*A link to all the bird resources on HSS (I didn’t realize there were so many!)
Additional Resource
For the TOS crew, we were sent the Apologia Zoology Book 1 to review! There are several chapters in this book on the subject of birds! We will be using this text in our bird study. (And, of course, there will be a review coming of this book!) One other note is that Notebooking2Learn has FREE notebooking and lapbook pages for this Apologia resource. You have to join their yahoo group, but it is truly an excellent lapbook and FREE! We will be using some of this during our unit as well.
More Bird Books! (we will read these as go-alongs throughout our bird study)
That insight’s just what I’ve been looking for. Thanks!