You might remember that last week we had the opportunity to ride camels at the zoo! This was great fun!
Here are some other fun camel activities & resources we will be doing/using starting on Monday!
A unit study on Cappy the Lonely Camel.
A lapbook to go with the Camel Zoobook.
Camel coloring pages
A video on the body and characteristics of a camel!
A camel quiz, to finish up our week, from Zoobooks.
We will learn to draw a camel with the Draw Write Now book #8.
If you scroll down a bit on this page, you see a pretty camel drawing and they used sand too. That might be a neat craft/art project to do next week!
ABCteach has a few resources on camels we will use. (I’m not sure if this link will work for you, as I’m a member, but I just typed camels in the search box and it came up with a list of resources.) Resources we’ll use from ABCteach: acrostic poem on camels, the camel bookmarks – we will probably glue these in our notebooks because they have good camel facts on them, camel coloring pages, and camel reading & comprehension questions.
So, has anyone seen any CUTE CAMEL CRAFTS??? 🙂 I keep coming up on the camels made of egg cartons – I’m not really interested in that one…do you see any other cute ones?? THANKS!
I once got one of those foam kits to build your own nativity, and it included a mixture of big/small pom-poms to assemble a camel from. I’m not sure how well it would stick together though. Maybe you could build some sort of camel from pom-poms, pipe cleaners, etc? Use hot glue. Probably not very helpful, but just a thought. ;o)
That looks like so much fun! What a wonderful way to really make education come alive.
P.S. Your children are beautiful!