Hi friends, I’m sure many of you have already been blessed by Ann Voskamp’s blog, A Holy Experience. (Yes, this is the same lady who wrote our wonderful geography curriculum for this year, A Child’s Geography.) However, if any of you have not checked it out before, head on over…you’ll be sure to be encouraged and inspired in your faith, your mothering, your walk, your prayer life, and I could go on…
Today Ann posted about prayer. I hope you’ll read it. And soon, Lord willing, I will have my own post to share about prayer. You see, a few years ago I actually prayed that the Lord would make me into a prayer warrior. I didn’t enjoy prayer, I didn’t feel like I knew *how* to pray or would become distracted, etc. Now, I’m not saying I’ve got the prayer thing down pat…but oh, God has done such a work in my heart. He has s-l-o-w-l-y been answering that prayer from years ago and creating in my heart a desire to commune with Him. Anyway, I hope to share more with you soon.
It’s really eerily funny you should mention her post today. I just got done r-e-a-d-i-n-g s-l-o-w-l-y her words. Words of wisdom and sometimes confusion. How is it more difficult to do than it is to be still?
I’m in a strange place full of struggle and today I feel really weird. Not sure if it’s anxiety or the beginnings of some contentment. Anyway, I can’t wait to read the words you have to share.