So, I have been taking Study in Brown’s advice and reading and praying through Isaiah 58. I have to say, it is pretty convicting. Today, it was even more convicting as I read the passage from the Message.
Isaiah 58:2 from the Message reads, “They are busy, busy, busy at worship, and love studying all about me.”
The passage goes on to say in verse 6, “This is what I’m after: to break the chains of injustice, get rid of exploitation in the workplace, free the oppressed, cancel debts…sharing your food with the hungry, inviting the homeless into your homes, putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad, being available to your own families…get rid of unfair practices, quit blaming victims, quit gossiping about other people’s sins…”
Ouch. What this says to me, personally, is to quit all this “playing church.” Church, in many ways, has become a god in and of itself. We are “busy, busy, busy” making church happen, getting church right, getting the lighting right, making sure we look professional ~ we are on television afterall! Gotta sound professional, pick the right songs, get the best singers. We make sure we look our best, making sure everything is just right. Busy, busy, busy.
But, is that what God is after? What it sounds like He is wanting is for us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the hurting and suffering world around us. The hungry. The homeless. Our very own families. Could it be that we are sitting around inside the church building, busy.busy.busy. *making* church, getting all studied up…and missing the point all together?!? Lord, help us!
I’m going to continue reading through Isaiah 58. As I’m reading, I’m praying. Lord, have mercy on me…forgive me for being so busy doing church that I am forgetting to BE the church. Help me to remember what is really important. People are more important than programs. Compassion. Show me Your ways. Search my heart, show me my sin. Change me.
Great post. I’ll take some time to think about this post and what it means for myself.
Yep, LOTS to think about.
We changed our lives drastically over 3 years ago and now attend a house church. I am not advocating it for everyone. It’s not for the masses (and we don’t hold mass!) but it’s been freeing (and sometimes not) for us.
There is no upkeep to keep and we are all held accountable to some extent. We have made some pretty incredible relationships and there have been times where I’ve wondered severely if this is the right thing for us.
I have been told by a wise soul (my husband IS pretty great) that we are in trouble if we are certain we are right. So I guess wondering if we’re in the right place is right after all.
Candace, I enjoy reading what you’ve written in all areas, your home and personal life, issues that you wrestle with and homeschooling. I’m so blessed to call you friend.
And I LOVEEEE the new blog design. Love it!!
Candace, I couldn’t agree more with you on this post! Great insight. And it’s exactly what my husband and I have been struggling with this issue about church for over a year now. People are so busy serving “in” and “for” the church, they can’t see people right under their feet that are in need. They are so busy making everything pleasing to the church members so they’ll come (lighting, decorations, etc.) the whole main point is being missed. I developed a saying that I remind myself of all the time…”don’t serve the masses over the one who is in need.”
Lots to think about.
Blessings, Melissa
Wow! I need to go pick up my Bible and take a look at this. It’s saying something to me – maybe not exactly what it’s saying to you, but we are all on different paths and God shows us what He wants us to see. Right?