Count your blessings see what God has done
Count your blessings
Name them one by one
Count your many blessings see what God has done
47. a great lunch (and conversation) with new friends
48. a nice clean house (after cleaning up the dead bird)
49. a day of sunshine after so much rain
50. time outside at the park
51. a husband that has washed all the dishes (again)
52. the prayers and encouragement of sweet ladies at Bible study
53. I survived another day. Only by the grace of God.
54. time with a new friend doing something we both enjoy (and good conversation!)
56. Caleb’s favorite books: Goodnight Moon, Goodnight Gorilla, That’s Not My Pirate
57. reading Caleb’s favorite books with him before bed
58. hearing his sweet voice, “again, mommy!”
59. a walk full of hope
60. a hole in the clouds to show me that He is my light in the darkness
61. yummy pumpkin muffins
62. a playful cat that loves snuggling
63. the company of a wise, older lady for a day
64. the girls first “friend” sleepover at their little friends house (they LOVED it!!)
65. the yummiest quiche I have ever tasted at the wise friend’s house where the girls spent the night. 🙂
66. a quiet morning around the house
67. finding a new, easy crockpot recipe to try out
68. daddy building a big club (fort) with Caleb
69. finishing a good book
70. wonderful worship
71. grilled out hamburgers
72. yummy Apple Chip cake
73. sweet 6 month old nephew to hold and play with – he is so smiley right now!!
74. He is. He is faithful. He is the lover of my soul. He is the lifter of my soul. He is all that I need. He is.
share your gifts in the Gratitude Community with Ann.
Truly beautiful things to be grateful for. 🙂