If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.
— Rabbi Harold Kushner
75. a word of encouragement
76. prayers
77. the health of several friends children I’ve been praying for
78. dinner out with a friend who was visiting from out of town
79. a fun day at the aquarium with friends
80. beautiful weather!
81. the beginning of a new month, a fresh start, a new beginning
82. cooler, FALL temperatures
83. hope for tomorrow
84. challenging reads
85. funny shows…when laughter is needed (the one hour Office wedding is this week! Can’t wait!)
86. making happy memories
87. a walk with the family
88. pretty, cool, fall weather
89. brownies from a bake sale
90. the feeling of relief from one project finished
91. little boy giggles at silliness
92. excitement over daddy arriving home
93. a fun night out for David…he deserves a fun night for himself!! (and yes, he thoroughly enjoyed Auburn’s win over UT)
94. ice cream after the kids are in bed
95. deep ponderings from small group {How is the gospel being manifested in your life?}
96. a Sunday afternoon nap
If you’d like to change your life one thankful thought at a time, join the gratitude community with Ann. Give thanks.
Candace- I am loving doing this list! It sure does change my focus!