— Dietrich Bonhoeffer
119. the girls had a great playdate with Emma
120. a good update from the doctor
121. the realization that our insurance policy DOES cover a rental
122. conversations with someone who has a lot in common with me
123. a wonderful baby shower for the crisis pregnancy centers
124. a wonderful turn-out of missionaries and church ladies
125. a huge amount of baby items donated!
126. the blessing of hearing each missionary lady share about how God is working in her ministry/area.
127. the blessing of hearing Dawn Smith speak~ hearing her testimony of God’s faithfulness in the difficult times and the good times
128. beautiful decorations!
129. the relief of a huge event over
130. prayer, such a gift
131. Mocha Mudslide ice cream (Great Value brand, even) — so good!
132. $5 pizza for supper
133. hearing the words, “mommy will you read this book to me?” from the cutest 4yr old ever!
134. hearing my girls recite Psalm 23…praying that these precious words will penetrate their hearts for years tocme
135. a great, Christian family movie — really, really good!
136. cleaned out closets
137. being inspired and challenged
138. a day with no rain
139. a drive in the mountains
140. carving pumpkins
141. fall colors starting to peek through
143. an encouraging message on prayer
Share your thankful thoughts with the gratitude community at A Holy Experience.
This is one of my most favorite things about your blog! I may just have to steal it. Thanks for sharing!!
Hey! I made your Multitude Monday list…what an honor!
I enjoyed our visit so much! I wish we would’ve been able to get together again before we left. Don’t worry though, we WILL get together again in the future.
Emma has written her letters. I’ve just been a bad mom and not mailed them yet. In my defense, I’m out of stamps. I’ll get on it this week.
Hope the rest of your week is blessed!
Much love!!