“So, then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Col. 2:6-7.
Another week, so very much to be thankful for!
169. taking the time to read more while my computer is gone
170. great conversation and fellowship at Bible Study
171. even though we are reading a book (at Bible study) that I haven’t been completely thrilled with, a few ladies in my small group were very excited about it and that helped me to be more excited about it too – and I’m thankful for their excitement! 🙂
172. a beautiful day for the kids to play outside
173. a spontaneous and yummy field trip to eat Asian food for lunch while learning about Japan
174. my girls, who almost always love to do school with me! What a joy!
175. nearly 2 weeks of being depression-free!
176. beautiful leaves!
177. seeing my kids excitement about picking out toys for our shoebox kids
178. the sweetest kitty ever, Pumpkin, got hit by a car and died last week, but I’m so thankful that we had him while we did, he was so sweet and cuddly with us!!
179. getting excited with the kids about dressing up for Halloween
180. cool mornings with the windows open
181. hearing what my children are thankful for each morning
182. a whole week of good school days
183. a humbling moment
184. family get togethers
185. hearing my daughters play all those beginning level hymns…music to my ears…worship in its simplest form
186. God’s confirmation to me
187. that God still speaks to us
188. fruit that waiting produces in us
189. new mercies. every morning.
190. conviction to spend less on an older van to lower our debt
191. absolute peace in making that decision (van.) Far too often the “wants” win out in our lives, I was thankful that God allowed peace and conviction to win out this time.
192. God’s work in our lives through the Body and other believers
193. writing Haiku poems with my girls
194. having Hannah “get it” with counting money/coins finally 🙂
195. the blessing of homeschooling
193. writing Haiku poems with my girls
194. having Hannah “get it” with counting money/coins finally 🙂
195. the blessing of homeschooling
If you would like to share your thankfulness in the Gratitude Community, check out Ann’s blog.
...they call me mommy... says
Great post! 🙂