so much to be thankful for…
all gifts of grace from my Father!
357. the book, Waiting on God, by Andrew Murray
358. the motivation to get a few things done around the house
359. yummy peanut butter granola
360. having several meals in the freezer ready to go
361. the privilege of intercessory prayer
362. a special friend with the same heart cries as me
363. serving Jesus by serving the lonely
364. serving with my kids
365. a fun afternoon with friends
366. seeing my kids get excited about taking baked treats to our neighbors
367. that my children have a relationship with several of their great grandparents
368. celebrating another birthday with David!
369. a yummy birthday dinner with David’s parents and a little Wii afterwards!
370. pretty blue shutters now ON our house, I love them!
371. communion
372. a friend who challenges me and encourages me
373. being challenged in today’s sermon
374. a step of obedience
375. praying through the day
376. starting a new Bible study
377. a Nana who loves keeping the kids
378. kids who love their Nana
379. finding birthday gifts that my daughter will love
380. David getting the new front door painted – it looks so good!
381. excitement building about our Yard Sale – Give Away
382. time at home to get things done
383. MORE meals in the freezer 🙂
384. yummy pork chops that David not only found on sale, but also grilled for us! So good!
385. being challenged, convicted and obedient…and the blessing that follows
386. that Caleb loves school thus far!
387. answers to prayers
388. a good friend (and SIL) to do school projects with each week!! What a blessing! (for me and the kids!)
389. that the God of All hears my prayers…that He listens…that He cares.
Hi Candace,
I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to add your blog to our blog list at Living in Love with Jesus.
This is the first time I’ve seen your blog. Awesome!
Thanks for all you do,
Kim Avery