After our long journey through Asia, we are ready to invade another continent: North America! We are crossing the ocean to our own continent to include some Winter Olympic study along with Canada. (Coming in the next few days…my post of ideas for a Winter Olympic unit study! There are LOTS of resources around the web!!)
We will do a brief introduction of our continent, then move into a study of Canada, followed by a study of the other North and Central American countries.
I am excited to work on some mission projects with my kids regarding Haiti during our study of North America. There are several ministries online that are collecting kits that I’ve seen, I hope to put a few of these together to mail while learning a little bit about the people of Haiti and most definitely continuing to PRAY for them!
**If you have any other great ideas for introducing North America, let me know. I kind of had a hard time finding a way to “summarize” or give an overview. I hope to study each state more in depth in the next few years, so I found it hard to know HOW much to dive in to our own country. But I feel I’m probably leaving out a few important things – so feel free to share your ideas! 🙂
Books to Read

Links and Resources
*HSS North America Resources (including animals and their descriptions as well as 3-part cards with famous locations on our continent)
*HSS unit on Flight of the Union (Niagra Falls)
*HSS unit on Grandmother’s Pigeon (Greenland)
*North America resources from Enchanted Learning
*Paddle to the Sea movie on youtube
*map of Great Lakes to follow the journey as we read Paddle to the Sea
*ideas to use with Paddle to the Sea
*missionary study (still trying to narrow down which missionaries we will learn about)
Continent box
*animal and famous location cards from HSS (link just above)
*small American flag
*small Statue of Liberty
*souveniers from my mission trips to Hawaii and Alaska (pictures, postcards, children’s books, state maps)
*postcards from around the country
*bald eagle stuffed animal we have
![National Geographic: Real Wild Animals Amazing North America [VHS]](
I think A is for the Americas is a good intro to North America. We just started with North America this week with it.
I forgot to mention that if you happen to have “Missionary Stories with the Millers” there are 2 missionary stories in that book about missionaries to Canada. They are in the last 2 chapters of the book. We read them today and my kiddos loved them.