I went back.
My heart still hurts.
I have so many questions.
Once again, I’m so overwhelmed with the need all around us.
But, God is good to give me little bites to chew on here and there.
Last week I pondered the fact that many of these people we see at the “soup kitchen” will not ever feel comfortable in a traditional church setting. I wondered about whether people needed “the church” or if they just needed Jesus.
Well, God showed me a little bit over the past week about this. And it involves me. And you.
The people that I saw again today need “the church.” Meaning, they need you and me. They need Jesus. But, since they will likely not ever set foot in my church building, they need me to take Jesus to them. (please don’t place blame on them for not coming into our churches…many times I, myself, don’t feel welcome and “pretty enough” to be at church, how can we blame them for not wanting to come?)
Jesus had a lot to say about this.
These are some words I have been pondering recently…
“…for I was hungry and you gave Me food.” Matt. 25:35
“But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant.” Matt. 23:11
“the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Matt. 20:28
“…it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven…” Matt. 19:23
“Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men. They immediately left their nets and followed Him.” Matt. 4:19
“let your light so shine before men…” Matthew 5:16
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth…but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…” Matt. 6:19
I have really appreciated your posts lately about this. I am struggling with this same thing, in a different way. I have wanted to blog about it but don’t know how. As you know “the church” was a very big part of my life at one time. However, I find myself REALLY wanting to connect spiritually and want to share that with Sydney but the idea of another “church” scares me and turns me off. I don’t want that experience for her and I don’t know how to find balance in it all. I am not sure if I am making any sense or not but any thoughts are appreciated.
I agree with Tonya. Your posts are very much appreciated. I too struggle with helping the homeless. I teach my children to never turn their cheek to one. Always smile or say a quick “Hey” and to always say a silent prayer for them as they pass by.
Today, I went into our local post office and I was in a hurry to get in before the lunch crowd. I passed a man, who undoubtedly was homeless. He was also missing a leg. As I passed him he said “Nice day for a walk isn’t?” I said yes, it sure is and kept walking. I then heard him say something along the lines of “How are you?” I kept walking and never stopped. I felt so ashamed that I did that since it is not me to do that. After I was done, I walked back out and apologized to him for being so quick to walk by. He said “That’s OK people never stop to hear MY story.” At that point, I sat down on the cold wet concrete and I heard his story. I tell you I felt so ashamed that I had a car, a home, a bed and a pantry full of food and this man had nothing. At the end, I took a chance and offered to get him a sandwich and something to drink. He accepted the offer and I ran across the street to get it. When I returned he said he had to tell me something. He said, “It wasn’t the lunch that made me happy, it was the fact that you stopped to listened to me and prayed with me.” I smiled trying not to cry. I waved goodbye and turned to leave. I heard him say “God Bless you child.” I turned around smiled again and told him I’d see him again.
Candace, THANK YOU so much for all these post that you share. You make such a difference in people’s lives and you don’t even know it. Sometimes people need a little push to get out of the box so to speak.
Even though today has been difficult, it was one of the best days in a long time.