In our Around the World study, that is…I wish we could actually GO to all these places we are learning about this year. Maybe someday. 🙂
Of course, with our study of Mexico we will have to pull out our maracas as well as having some yummy food from El Sazon! Maybe we should make a pinata??
What are your favorite resources to use when studying Mexico? I’ve only scratched the surface, as I kind of decided last minute to go ahead and study Mexico this week, so leave me a comment with your ideas for studying Mexico!
Links & Resources
The Old Man and His Door – unit study and lapbook from HSS
Hill of Fire – unit study and lapbook from HSS
Isabel’s House of Butterflies – unit study and lapbook from HSS
Gullywasher (FIAR, vol. 4) resources and lapbook from HSS
Desert Animals lapbook from HSS
Mexico resources from Enchanted Learning
Mexico coloring pages
Boca Beth spanish lessons on youtube
Candace…there is an awesome video series your library might have. They have sets on many countries, but we especially liked the ones about Mexico.
Mexico for Children