Last week the Insecurity book was a bit much for me. I felt defeated. This week has been much better. In fact, when I posted on Beth Moore’s blog, she even replied back to ME, little ole me, telling me not to get too bogged down with the first half of the book, because the 2nd half of the book would focus on healing. (imagine my delight when seeing my name in writing from a comment made by Beth Moore! ha ha! I’m a dork, I know!)
Here are the questions posted for week 3 of our book discussion group on Beth Moore’s blog. These questions are from chapters 5 and 6.
1. After reading these two chapters, what do you believe to be the TWO primary roots of your struggle with insecurity? Keep in mind that more may apply but try to lock in on two that you believe to be most impactful.
My answer: This is hard for me. I’m not exactly sure what the major roots of my insecurity are. It could be instability in the home – just the moving many times, I always always struggled to feel like I fit in with people, make friends, etc. Or maybe that would be in the “dramatic change” category? I do know for sure, that ONE of mine is “personal limitations.” While I joke about cursing my personality, there is a bit of truth to that, I think. On the personality tests I am 110% melancholy. Just reading those characteristics is enough to depress anyone. And, ha, I do struggle with depression! LOL!
2. What, if any, insight did you gain about the roots of insecurity and did you sense that God was trying to speak to you in any specific way through it?
My answer: I think God is confirming to me that there is more than one reason for my insecurities. I can’t just blame my parents. 🙂 I can’t blame God, either. And, I think I have a tendency to do that. I know God made me this way…but I wonder why. I wonder what He could have possibly been thinking. I need to be reminded that there is always a reason. I need to be reminded that there is a purpose – even in the difficult. I have learned that time and time again, but this is one area where I struggle to really believe it. I need to be reminded that He can use me. Even me. Because He is God. And He is bigger than any of my insecurities. I have to choose to dwell on HIM and not on me and my weakness. It’s a battle…but I must continue to fight it and not give up!
In closing this post this week, I want to echo the prayer that Beth Moore closed her post with. I have prayed these words several times this week in response to this book!
“Come, Lord Jesus, and minister to us. Open our eyes. Open our hearts. Grant us signs of great freedom and healing even this week as we discover where our insecurities may be coming from. We know, Lord, that no flesh and blood can bring us what we need. If we come out of this with liberty, all glory will go to You alone. I love You, Father. Do Your Thing.”
I just discovered this Beth Moore study this morning…hope to join when I get the book. Wish I’d seen it earlier.
I found your blog on the TOS crew website. Your family seems to really have fun learning. That’s my goal, but it feels like it’s never in my grasp.
I’ve applied to be a reviewer next year and I have a question for you. Do you use a curriculum or do you just use the stuff your review to do school. I think I would definitly do a Math and Grammer curriculum but I was wondering if I’d be able to use just the review items to do History and Science. Just not sure how we could review products on top of our regular work. We’d be doing too much schooling. By the looks of these blogs there are tons of things to review, how do you fit it all in?
I think I would benefit from this study. I’m also “110% melancholy,” so I know what you mean! 🙂
i’ve started this book….but i think i’m going to have to hold on for a bit until i can really dive deep. life’s too crazy right now. but when i do, i’m excited to come back to your blog and hear your thoughts! 🙂