If you happen to be one that is not reading along on Beth Moore’s blog with this So Long, Insecurity discussion group, you should at least head over there this week to watch this encouraging video from Beth regarding the book! I love it when she does “impromptu” videos for us as an encouragement!! They are probably one of my favorite things about her blog!
Here are the questions and my answers for chapters 7 & 8.
1. What part of chapter 7 hit home with you the most and why?
My answer: Chapter 7 totally made me feel NOT SO ALONE in this insecurity thing, what about you?? 🙂 For those of you who may not be reading this book, well first of all, you SHOULD be reading it!! LOL! It is *that* good. Chapter 7 is a chapter that Beth Moore used to share story, after story about how insecurity has made us as women look like fools. And, where did she get these stories? From a poll she did on the blog! So, if you are like me and comment on her blog, you could be in her book!! 🙂
What hit home with me the most, by reading all these stories? Well, I guess what hit me the most is how much insecurity ROBS us of the life that God means for us to have. For me personally, I think insecurity has robbed me of relationships with other women, most of all. I’m still wondering how in the world to get all these yucky, insecure thoughts OUT of my head so I will have the confidence to talk to other women and actually reach out to build relationships. I know, one step at a time…at least I’m beginning to figure out the root of the problem: insecurity. There are so many times that I don’t go to an event because I’m afraid I won’t know anyone, even at my own church. There are so many phone calls I haven’t made. There are so many playdates that I haven’t made or accepted. Ugggg. But, enough of that dwelling on the past, right?!?! 🙂
2. List your own personal reasons why it’s time to deal with your insecurity.
A) see above – insecurity has robbed me of relationships with other women
B) my children – I really, really don’t want my girls learning insecurity from me!
C) my marriage – I think that insecurity has robbed me of just being at peace with where our marriage is and being thankful for where God has us.
3. Based on Chapter 8, briefly describe a recent trigger of insecurity.
When I think about most of my insecure moments, they are usually group settings, especially with other women involved – like Tuesday morning Bible study, church, small group, play groups from years ago, field trips.
4. Based on Chapter 8, what does dignity mean to you?
Dignity is taking on new meaning for me, after reading Chapter 8. For me to have dignity, that means I will find my complete security, confidence and hope in Christ. I will not be a worrier – mostly about what others think of me, but I will look at what the “main thing” should be – to give glory to God in all that I do.
Hey! I’m doing this Bible study. I just started last Wednesday but I’ve caught up with y’all. I just wanted to say I felt exactly like you when I began reading chapter 7. It was sorta comforting to know I’m not alone…lots of people feel this way and have done these similar things that I’ve done. I’m always timid with other women too. I dont’ think it’s unfounded either. As a teenager I had girls make me feel inferior and although it’s not nearly as often, it has happened in my adult life too. Thankfully I’m usually around other like minded women these days so I dont’ have to worry as much. Blessings to you! I enjoy your blog.
can’t wait to see the shoes!!!i’m planning to buy the shoes once i get my results for this year good luck for your paper – i know you work hard so i know you will do well. your prof is correct, enjoy thanksgiving and come back refreshed []