For our next destination (starting Monday after Easter) in our travels Around the World, we are headed out to Australia!! I’m excited about this location because we have several treats coming up to go along with our Aussie studies! We had a dear online friend send us a little package of Aussie treats, we have another friend who is actually here in our town from Australia teaching on his sabbatical – we will have him share with us one evening, AND I saved some goodies from our VBS last year, which was Boomerang Express, set in Australia!
Here are some other resources that we will be using with this study of Australia!
Resources for The Pumpkin Runner (FIAR, Vol. 4) – HSS has a GREAT lapbook with LOTS of resources for this book!!
Wombat Stew – unit study and lapbook from HSS
Marsupial lapbook from HSS
Australian resources from HSS (including animal cards)
Australia resources from Enchanted Learning
Make a boomerang! (just cut out a boomerang shape from cardboard, and let kids paint aboriginal or dot patterns on them)
Paint an aboriginal rock (scroll down a bit) I think Hannah would love doing this!
If you don’t know what a didgeridoo is, google it and make one out of a paper towel roll!! (We did this for a craft last year in VBS)
You can listen to a real digeridoo on youtube!
you might enjoy AB’s download-n-go, Expedition Australia!