Proverbs has been called “wisdom literature” by many. This appeals to me in many ways. Probably as a parent, the one thing I have prayed for the most is wisdom. So often I just feel at a total loss for how to handle a situation. And, I don’t want just any wisdom…I pray *against* the wisdom of the world infiltrating our home…I’m praying for Godly wisdom.
I want the wisdom that is described in James 3:17 as pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.
Isn’t that the kind of wisdom you want as a parent/wife/friend?
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Prov. 1:7.
For me, this is a very valuable verse to meditate on as I start my study of Proverbs. I do not want to be foolish. If I’m foolish, I don’t want the wisdom and knowledge that God has for me in His Word. In fact, fools actually despise wisdom and instruction!
So, friends, let’s not be a fool in God’s eyes (even if we are foolish in the eyes of the world!) and let’s DIG IN to His Word, let’s pray for Him to give us wisdom, let’s spend the time with Him that is necessary for the beginning of that knowledge of Him that we so desperately need!
The very end of Chapter 1 is also very encouraging to me.
But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure without fear of evil. Prov. 1:33
What a beautiful promise this is to us as children of God! If we listen to God, we will dwell safely. And we will be SECURE without fear…did you catch that? You may have been following along with Beth Moore’s new book on insecurity…but this passage tells us that we can be SECURE and without fear when we listen to God!!
For me, personally, the times I am most INsecure are the times I’m not listening to God. I may be listening to what others around me are saying, I may be listening to the world, I may be listening to my own flesh…but the moment I turn to God and hear what HE has to say TO me and ABOUT me, my security in Him becomes absolutely, well, SECURE.
So, what verses speak to you from Prov. Chapter 1? What insights can you share with us? If you are reading along in Proverbs with us, please leave a comment with what God is teaching you…and also so that I can pray for you by name as we dig into God’s Word together!
Father, as we dig into the book of Proverbs, I pray that you would give each of us wisdom. I pray that You would allow us to discern between the ways of the world around us and your TRUTH that we find in Your Word. Give us Your eyes to see what You have for us. I pray that You would remind us not to be foolish, but to love, study and pray towards gaining Your perfect wisdom. I pray that you would remind us each and every day of our security IN YOU. I pray that You would teach us to listen to Your often still, small voice. Speak to us, Father.
Candace- I just started reading So Long Insecurity! Such a great book! You are right about security…we get it when we focus on God.