I am in the middle of a book right now called The Heavenly Man, by Brother Yun with Paul Hattaway. I’m having a hard time putting into words all that this book entails. I think I will just leave you with a few simple thoughts, of course you can check out the amazon link too and read the description that is there, too.
This is the story of a Christian in China named Brother Yun. As you may know, Christians in China were persecuted for many years. This is the story of Brother Yun’s life as a Christian.
If you feel like your life is hard right now. You should read this book. This book will make you very thankful for the cushy life we live here in America.
If you want to know what the ultimate persecution is, even just 20 years ago…read this book. It is amazing, heartbreaking, shocking and absolutely horrifying.
If you are curious to know the price that has been paid by Christians in China, to be thankful for those Christian brothers and sisters, who have paid the price with their bodies and their families, you should read this book.
This book is definitely going to be added to my favorites book list…not because it was easy to read, but because it was worth it. So very worth it. When you read a book like this, you cannot stop your faith from growing!
Oh Candace! I read this book a few years ago and since it also made my top book list. I cried and cried and cried just reading this book. It is an amazing powerful story. He actually has a newer book out and I believe is a follow up to this book.
I read it in a few nights. I remember the last night I woke up after just a few hours of sleep my eyes where so swollen my husband thought I was having an allergic reaciont. : )
Not sure where you are in the book and don’t want to give anything away but I thought his very first impression inside a western church was very eye opening to me.
It sounds like something we should all read. I’m going to add it to my cart.
this book is sitting on my shelf right now just waiting to be read. My friend read it and said it is eye opening and life changing. I need to get it started!