Despite the heartache all around me, there have been moments of joy. Sometimes they seem fleeting…but if I count them, if I say them outloud, if I write them down…they won’t be fleeting at all. They will be memories. Happy memories. Counted joy. Counting joys even in the heartache. I think that is what contentment and gratitude are all about.
I also think this is one of the deepest and truest forms of worship. When we can look around us and see sadness, heartache, broken lives and still choose to praise Him…to still call Him good…to love Him for who He is and not always what He does…worship.
For this week, I am choosing to be thankful for…
sweet memories of a sweet friend
a Father’s Day gift that my hubby was excited about (a new baseball glove to play ball with Caleb, his old one had been gone for years and he needed to be practicing with Caleb for t-ball!)
a very cute kitten to play with
saying YES to the pool
4 t-ball games coming up this week!
hearing Caleb ask David to throw the ball with him every.single.minute…that boy loves him some baseball!
Hannah’s excitement over her new “ipod” (really a SanDisk Sansa Fuze 4 GB) coming in the mail…she waited for many weeks to be able to pay for this herself!! And she is loving it!
a fairly clean house several weeks in a row (miracle)
seeing Toy Story 3 on opening day with the kids!! (in 3-D, it was SO good!! David and I enjoyed it as much as the kids did!)
yummy Father’s Day lunch at our favorite Mexican place
celebrating the awesome daddy that God gave me for my children
good conversations in small group, we’ve been reading one of my all time favorite books together, Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God
realizing, once again, how very very much I have to be thankful for
being challenged and convicted
needed reminders
starting a new book that a friend gave me, I’ll share more on it later…but let’s just say that it has to do with the subject God has already been speaking to me about…dreams.
hope, anticipation, moments of joy
Beautiful reminder to me friend. There are always many things for which to be thankful.
Praying for God to refresh your spirit, encourage you heart and give you peace.
Sending you big hugs friend!