Sunday our church had a guest speaker that I really enjoyed. He said several things that I had to jot down because they fit perfectly with my gift list and trying to cultivate a thankful heart.
He described a time in his life years ago when his father died. The Lord taught him a powerful lesson that he still clings to today. He learned from that period in his life that the more thankful he learned to be, the less he felt the pain.
He said that God drew him to His word time and time again…and that the Lord would remind him of little things (and big things) for which he had to be thankful. He could look back over the months and see that the more he focused on what he was thankful for, the less he felt the pain of losing his father. Now, that’s not to say we won’t grieve and we won’t ever be sad. There will be times in life, many times often, that we are overcome with grief over certain situations. However, he began spending more and more time in the Word and becoming more and more thankful. And he noticed a direct correlation in his own pain and grief lessening the more he focused on God.
That just blessed me so much this morning. I had to come back to this little place and share with you. 🙂 It also reminded me to share with you some very important people that I am so thankful for today!!
I am blessed to walk alongside a whole new group of people (well over 500 people!!!) that are reading through the Bible in 90 days this go around!! They are calling us “mentors” but I prefer to just be called an encourager. 🙂 I’m praying for these people daily by name…and am so excited to see SO MANY PEOPLE in God’s Word!! Isn’t that something to be thankful for?!?
Please join me in encouraging (and congratulating!!) these ladies for taking the HUGE step of reading through the entire Bible in such a short amount of time. Now, these are just the folks that are on my “team” this go around. Like I said, over at Amy’s Toolbox, there are more than 500 reading this time!
So, this week, I’m dedicating my gift list to each of the people that I’m praying for right now…I’m so thankful for their dedication and hearts desire to please the Lord in this endeavor! And I’m praying that God will just bless their socks off as they dedicate their time to Him and His Word!
Sheri at The Shades of Pink
Debbie at The Architect and the Artist
Lisa at The Berry Patch
Amy at Hope is the Word
Jamee at A New Kind of Normal
Jami at Intentionally Living
Lis at Small Change (Little Bits that Add Up)
Jeanine at NeeNee’s Nook
Michele at My Blessings From Above
Jan at Bobbypins Boardwalk
Marcy at Ben and Me
Kimberly at Blessed Beyond Belief
And a few readers without blogs as well…
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So glad and excited to be doing this round of 90 days! But we have family staying with us for two weeks which makes finding the time to read kind of tricky! haha
Thanks for being our mentor 🙂
I remember something someone said to me that has always stuck… “It’s impossible to feel depression, or even discontentment when you are praising God.” Enjoyed the post, and I will pray for these ladies!
Awesome! And scratch that email that I sent asking if anyone in your accountability group has emails.
thanks so much for being my encourager 🙂 it’s been very busy this week since my youngest turned 1 on friday! i can tell people have been praying because i actually found the time and motivation to do my reading even when time was crunched. thank you so much!!