Dear Hannah, Emily & Caleb,
In just a few short weeks, mommy is going to be traveling to a small country in Central America called Belize. I am going with a mission team from our church and the ministry called Hearts of Christ, that our church supports.
Of all the people in this world, I want you ~ my own kids ~ to understand my heart in going on a trip like this. You already know this, because we talk about it often, but there are many people around the world that do not know the love of Jesus in their lives. There are many people and children who don’t have the blessings that we have in our home like a warm bed to sleep in, books to read and food on the table. We pray for children like Kenneth, our sponsored child, daily.
Mommy has been on mission trips before, most recently to the community of Palolo Valley in Hawaii that was known for its gang violence. You have gone with me several times to our local soup kitchen to give food to those less fortunate. And we pray some more.
It is the prayer and cry of my heart that you, my children, will grow up knowing that your mommy had a heart for people less fortunate. It is the cry of my heart that my children will see their mommy in action, and not just in words. It is my prayer that you will grow up with this same heart of compassion.
With this, I know there will be questions. I know that not everyone understands. I know that not everyone shares my passions, and that is ok. 🙂 As a mom of young children, how can I go and leave them for 10 days? And, I will answer that question with a question of my own.
Knowing what I know, how can I not go?
Knowing the desperate lives in every corner of the world, when given the opportunity, how can I not go?
Knowing the children and adults whose lives can be changed with the gospel, how can I not go?
Knowing the many children that will be able to attend school and learn to read and write, forever changing their futures, how can I not go?
How can I dig into God’s Word, read these verses, pray that God would make me more like Himself, and not go?
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27
What is pleasing to God? “…to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free…to share your bread with the hungry, bring to your house the poor who are cast out; when you see the naked, that you cover him…” Isaiah 58
“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus…” Philippians 2:5
For me, it boils down to a passion that is in my heart. We all have passions. God has placed on my heart a passion to serve the poor and needy. He has given me a burden that often keeps me awake at night. He has placed in me a fire that I know comes from Him…and I have to go where He leads. More than that, I want to go where He leads.
Last year, it was such an act of God to be invited to go on the mission trip to Hawaii. This year is no different. I don’t know why I ever doubt that He is at work in my life…why I fail to trust Him when He has shown Himself faithful time and time again. I pray daily for God to use me…for Him to lead me…and that He would bring opportunities my way. This is one of those times. And I’m so thankful…I am blessed to be a part!
I will miss you for sure, kids! (and daddy!) But I know you will have lots of fun while I am gone! Please pray for me while I’m gone, and I’ll pray for you, too. 🙂 Pray that the children we meet will see the love of Jesus in our faces and in our actions. Pray that they will come to know Him like we do…and pray that they will know and understand just how much their heavenly Father loves them.
Loving God and loving you…
P.S. Someday (sooner than later) I hope to take YOU with me on a mission trip!! A family mission trip would be awesome! If I had $2000 extra I’d take you girls with me this year, you are ready! Someday. 🙂
I think it is AWESOME that you get to go and set such an example for your children. Praying for all the details involved and that God use you and the team in a mighty way!
It is so wonderful what you are to your children. They have such a wonderful example of love and the love of God through you. I hope He blesses you and the team beyond measure!
Prayers for a mission trip full of blessings.
Being strong enough to know when God puts something on your heart and ACT on it is something many do not possess. We are all called in different ways and if mission work is your calling then following the call is what you need to do.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful letter to your family.
I wish you the best as you travel south. My family has been going to Belize for many years. You will not regret going. Take care.
Wow! What an amazing journey I know you will have on so many levels!
I went on a mission trip to Belize as a single and was touched in so many ways.
As a mom, I know you’ll experience and feel even more.
Kudos for listening to His call and responding.
Enjoy your trip. Wrote you something earlier, but obviously didn’t save. We love you and wish you well. I’m not kidding about helping with the kids while you’re gone!