“My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor. 12:9
Lately, this word enough has been repeating itself over and over again in my mind and on my heart. I think the Lord has wanted to remind me of a few things…to gently encourage me…to refresh my heart and help me to rest in Him.
Questions like, “am I enough?” plague my heart. Frustrations when others are not enough fill my mind…
I need my children to be more this.
I wish my husband were more that. Or less this.
Our church needs to be more this.
I wish this person could be this instead of that.
I need more this. And that. And some of this.
Ever so gently, the Lord whispers, “enough.”
His grace is sufficient. He is sufficient. He is enough.
I don’t have to be more. He is enough.
I don’t need my husband to be more. He is enough.
I don’t have to lay awake at night worrying that I’m ruining my kids. He is enough.
I don’t have to feel inadequate for the job at hand. He is enough.
He really is enough. More than enough…
This was my devotional yesterday. That exact scripture. IS sufficient…IS…Not when…
not how…not sometimes… He just IS!!!!
Oh yes- HE is enough- and yet it is so hard to remember that, isn’t it?
(Just stopping by from my Facebbok introduction from my cousin Sara- she was so nice to do this! Can’t wait to get to know you!)
Beautiful. Just beautiful!