After reading through the Bible in 90 days, many people ask the question, “what next?” Amy, from Mom’s Toolbox, where the Blogging Through the Bible in 90 days is hosted, discussed sharing our favorite Bible studies, resources and books with our readers to encourage everyone to STAY IN THE WORD!! 🙂 You get used to spending a LOT of time reading God’s Word when you are reading through the entire thing in 90 days, which is a good thing! But, now that you are used to that habit, how do you keep it up?
As well as digging in to your favorite studies and books, I can also suggest keeping that same time of day that you used when you were reading intensely for the 90 day plan. I seem to be a bit of an oddball, but I happen to like my reading time at night. After the kids are in bed, I am able to relax a little bit more, and I have found that I enjoy keeping up that habit even when I’m not reading the 90 day plan. My reading and prayer time at night helps calm me and gives me peace before I go to sleep.
And now, on to my favorite Bible studies! I am blessed to be a part of a wonderful group of ladies that meets on Tuesday morning at our church to have Bible study. I can generally tell you that anything Beth Moore is always going to be one of my top favorites. 🙂 However, I thought I would give you a more specific list and include a few other authors as well!
So, in no particular order…these are all studies that I have done in my very recent past, if I went back over my lifetime there would be too many to list. So, I will start with these. If I think of more that were absolute favorites, I will come back and add to this post. 🙂
Me, Myself and Life by Jennifer Rothschild was very good for me, personally. I deal a lot with negative thoughts, negative perceptions and just fighting those things that I know are not true about myself, especially. God used this book to speak a lot of truth into my life. In fact, I think I could stand to go through it again! 🙂
One in a Million, by Priscilla Shirer, was awesome!! I loved the videos, and I think there is a book as well, but what I used was the workbook that went along with the videos. I love to hear Priscilla speak. She can preach with the best of them. 🙂 She is anointed! One in a Million was so good for me because it is about the Israelites journey through the wilderness. Priscilla pointed out the scripture in Exodus where it says God LED the people into the wilderness. This really helped me to feel purpose in my struggles and encouraged me greatly.
I have used this book on my own and it is really good for digging into the Word and seeing what God has to say about prayer. I also like that she has throughout the book little quotes from Godly saints who have gone before us, on the subject of prayer.
Stepping Up – the Psalms of Ascents was one of my favorite Beth Moore studies, I really, really tried to narrow it down. 🙂 The Psalms in the Bible are my absolute FAVORITE book in the Bible. To read the suffering, the praise, the worship despite it all…I can just so relate, and I use the Psalms to pray almost daily, so I loved this closer look into a few of the Psalms.
If you are a woman, you will love the study of Esther with Beth Moore. ha! This book is all about being a woman, the good, the bad and the ugly. AND how to deal with it all! I still use my index cards with scriptures on them that Beth Moore gave us to write out from this study.
I can’t leave out the study we are doing right now. Honestly, I wasn’t excited about studying Revelation. I have been a Christian since I was 14yrs old and can’t remember a time that I really dug into Revelation and studied it!! (that’s bad, I know!) But this study has been SO GOOD!! Something different about this Beth Moore study is that it is NOT an in-depth study where you have a lot of homework. There are only 2-3 pages PER WEEK for you to worok on, as opposed to daily with her other studies. Now, I love homework with Bible study, call me weird…but it has been nice this time around to have a little break. This study is making me want to dig into Revelation more.
So, I have to ask, what are your favorite studies or books on Revelation? I think that might be where I start reading next. 🙂
If you have other Bible Studies that are your favorites, please share those in the comment section as well!
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I love Beth Moore studies…they are my favorites! Another good one that I just finished was Jonah by Priscilla Shirer.
During the School year, my 10 yr old son and I participate in Bible Study Fellowship (BSF); we’ve been doing BSF for 7 years and it is my favorite Bible Study program. This year we’re studying Isaiah and it’s been fabulous. This summer my son and I did this Revelation Study…it was meaty enough for me, but adaptable for him. I liked the print out charts that were included to help keep up with the details.