I have learned that when I find myself complaining, I am allowing myself to dwell on the negative and not the HEART OF GRATITUDE that I need to have. Yes, times are tough…we all go through things in our lives – heartbreaking things!! I am not one to tell you that you can always be *happy.* I’d be the first to break that commandment. 🙂 However, I do think, even in the midst of difficult circumstances, we can FIND and REMEMBER things that God has blessed us with!! We can CHOOSE to be thankful, we can choose to praise Him…even in the storms of life! And that is what this gratitude list is helping me to learn to do…
This week, I am thankful for…
goodnight hugs from sweet little boys
powerful sermons
God’s grace
His love for me, that is unchanging and endures forever!
a new faucet (did you enjoy the picture of Emily helping David put it in?? This is now one of my ALL TIME favorite pictures!!)
moving our washer and dryer into their new “spots” in the house, the closet that is *nearly* completed
hearing my children recite *most* of Psalm 139, my heart just bursts
painting autumn leaves with my kids
family pictures that I love
ordering new prints to hang around the house
fervent prayers
sweet words of encouragement
a relatively clean house for 2 weeks in a row!! (how can I keep this up? I must figure it out!!)
energy to complete a few tasks
visiting with friends
sweet Bible study time with other ladies
autumn leaves – the orange are my favorite!! God, you are so brilliant and creative!!
gentle breezes flowing through open windows
new mercies, He just continues to pour them out on us – do you feel it??
Counting my blessings, #1113 ~ 1132
I am thankful you are writing out your blessings- it inspires me! (Oh, and your family pictures are GREAT!)
Love the family pictures!