Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess. 5:16
beautiful, chilly fall weather
pulling out favorite sweaters
fun visiting time with friends
wonderful one-on-one time with my oldest girl
sharing a pumpkin spice latte with that oldest daughter 🙂
family movie night
target dollar bins (i heart target)
getting lots of cleaning done
yummy soup from a friend
watching my kids jump in piles of leaves
beautiful prayers from beautiful hearts
a fun, family hayride with our small group (cold but fun!)
warm blankets on cold nights
candy corn math with my kids
#1149 ~ 1162
Favorite sweaters, movie nights, dates with kids . . . giving thanks with you for all these wonderful things!
mmmmmmmmm . . . pumpkin spice latte! That will be on my list next week! 🙂
cute kids, beautiful list. Candy corn math sounds like fun!