I am so excited to begin 2011. A new year. A fresh start. Goals. Plans. Newness…ahhhh. God is doing a new thing!!
**So, have you decided to join me with the Bible in 90 Days?? We start January 3rd! If you have signed up on Mom’s Toolbox, you should have received an email from Amy today, I believe! If not, head over to her blog and sign up again. She will be assigning your mentor to you in the next few days, so make sure you are getting her emails!!
**I’m also going to be memorizing Scripture again with the Siesta Scripture Memory Team over on Beth Moore’s blog!! I did this 2 years ago and it is a lot of fun to be memorizing Scripture with SO many women!! And have you seen the new little spirals this year from Living Proof Minisries? These are to write your scriptures in that you are memorizing…it looks like over 6,000 (!!!) women have ordered them and so they are on backorder at the moment. But, wow, did you catch that SIX THOUSAND orders?!?! That is a LOT of women in God’s Word!! Hallelujah!!
**Finally, along the lines of memorizing God’s Word, I just saw this today on Ann Kroeker’s blog, another one of my favorite authors. Ann is calling it Mega Memory Month starting in January. Her challenge is different from the one Beth Moore is sharing on her blog…MMM will be memorizing a “chunk” or mega amount of Scripture – or a hymn, poem, etc. But a large chunk.
So, since I enjoy memorizing longer passages with my children, I thought I might combine these 2 challenges so as not to spread myself too thin. 🙂 I am going to pick a passage that I feel the Lord leading me to…and then I’ll work on that passage for both challenges. I will just pick the beginning verses of this passage for January’s Siesta Scripture Memory Team with Beth Moore.
And, who knows…my plans are just that, my plans. I really don’t want this to be all my idea. I want it to be from Him. I know He wants me in His Word more. I know He wants me to hide His word in my heart more. So, I feel like these are good goals…but only He knows how my life will pan out over the next few months…and I want to be open to His leading. So, for now this is a plan. Just a plan. 🙂 I’m going to spend this week praying about what passage(s) He would have me to hide in my heart. I can’t wait to see what He has to show me!
I’m praying that God would guide me, lead me down the path He would have me go and give me His ideas for 2011. I want to be right where He wants me to be…I want to follow His lead.
Care to join me?
Oh you really have given me a lot to think about with this post. Thanks!
I am currently trying to memorize Psalms 27. It is slow going…it seems as I get older it gets harder. Candace, what are some memorizing techiniques that have worked for you?
I did sign up for reading the Bible in 90 days. I’d like to memorize some scripture with Beth Moore because my children are memorizing scripture as well but I’m not committing to that right now.
It’s a lot for me to chew on.
I’m thrilled to be sharing Mega Memory Month with you, Candace–and what a great idea to combine these memory projects! You’ll have lots of support and encouragement from several directions.
I look forward to hearing the passage to which God leads you. I’m praying and waiting and listening, as well.
Ann K.
I came over to your blog from the WTM forum since you mentioned project life and I’ve been debating starting it.
I love the bible in 90 days challenge! One of my resolutions this year is to read the bible through so this is PERFECT timing! Thanks for sharing. I’m totally going to join in 🙂