For our 2nd week of reading, we will read the book of Leviticus, all of Numbers and through most of Deuteronomy.
I will say right off the bat that this particular week is THE HARDEST week of reading for me to get through! I have always struggled with these books of the Bible, it’s just not that interesting for me (sorry) and doesn’t feel very applicable. However, I know that doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have something for me in my reading time! Part of the lesson as a whole is just plain ole obedience and showing my love for Him by spending time in His Word. Sometimes I feel so inadequate to show God how much I love Him, and this is one tangible way I can do that – by following through on my commitment, by cherishing His Word regardless of what He gives me, and by meditating on and spending time in His love letter to me.
There are a few phrases that did cause me to ponder from the book of Leviticus.
“The fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously, it must not go out.” Lev. 6:13
“Command the Israelites to bring you clear oil of pressed olives for the light so that the lamps may be kept burning continually.” Lev. 24:2
This isn’t some earth shattering revelation…but I just paused at these phrases and thought to myself, what does it take to keep the fire burning in my life continually? Is it even possible? What are my responsibilities in keeping my relationships alive? Both my relationship with God and my relationship with family? What is my part and where do I rest in Him if the period seems dark? These are questions I just lifted up to the Lord and asked Him to show me anything that I might need to change or work on.
And, in closing today’s post…this is my prayer for YOU, friends!!
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make His face to shine upon you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26
{this is a beautiful verse to add to the Scriptures you can pray…maybe spend some time praying this passage over your family and friends today!}
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Thanks Candace for your inspiration. This post and God’s word really has me pondering and praying the very same things. Leviticus has also been a very hard book to get through for me as well. But, thanks be to God for always giving us revelation through His inspired word.
Blessings to you and yours
I agree, this is a hard week of reading coming up. Thanks for the post!
thanks! please pray that I can get through Leviticus!!