As you know, I am working on several goals of Scripture Memory! I have committed to memorize 2 Scriptures per month with the Siesta Scripture Memory Team (Beth Moore’s blog.)
My verse for the beginning of 2011, which I have also named my verse and prayer of the year is:
“May Your unfailing love rest on us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in You!” Psalm 33:22
I am also working on a longer passage, with the folks at Ann Kroeker’s blog, Mega Memory Month. (I will also use a portion of this for my next Siesta Scripture.)
My passage for this challenge is Psalm 91. Here is what I’ve memorized so far, typing from memory. 🙂
“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust. Surely He will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.” Psalm 91:1-3
I have been finding so many tips and encouragements for Scripture Memory, that I wanted to list a few of them here for you!! If you are working on memorizing Scripture right now, please share in the comments what you are working on!!
Also, if you have any TIPS for how to memorize Scripture, please share those, too!! For me, the main thing I do is write my verses down in an index card spiral and carry them with me places. The other thing I do is SAY THEM OUTLOUD over and over again. 🙂 Now there are some good tips for ya, ha!
Resources & Links
A great list of tips & resources from Ann Kroeker
Another page of ideas & tips
5 Steps to Make New Year’s Resolutions Happen from Ann Voskamp
Colossians in a Year ~ also included 7 tips for memorizing, from Ann Voskamp (reading this made me really want to jump in!! But, alas, I committed to jump in with prayer for the time being.)
Colossians in a Year ~ Updated w/ cover from Ann Voskamp
More Insipiration for memorizing from Ann Voskamp (I could read these posts over and over again!! Such hope and joy and inspiration!!)
Yet More Inspiration & Lots of links from Ann Voskamp
Candace, great to see your Scripture memory emphasis for 2011. My favorite website that could encourage you is
In Christ, Phil Walker