We are nearly ready to begin week 3 of our journey!! How is your reading going? Are you settled into a routine? Are you able to carve out that time you need daily to be in the Word? I am praying for each of you daily and am so excited every time I see updates from you!
For our reading in Week 3, we will be covering the end of Deuteronomy, all of Joshua, all of Judges and most of 1 Samuel!
Something I have prayed about as I’ve been reading these OT books is all of this idol worship. At first glance, if we aren’t careful, we tend to skim or pass over these parts and just assume that we don’t have this issue in our lives because we don’t bow down to statues.
But, sadly, I think sometimes we are wrong. I think that idols in today’s world are very different from the idols of Bible times, and sometimes, because they don’t look like what is described in the Bible, we think they aren’t idols at all! So, that makes it very easy for them to creeeeeeep into our lives unnoticed!
That is why I’ve been praying. I’ve been praying that God would open my eyes to any areas in my life – be those “things,” relationships, activities, responsibilities, etc. that could be turning into idols in my heart.
There are many different things that could be idols in our lives…
- our children
- our marriage
- our friends
- our church
- our busy schedule
- our important role at church
- our leadership of some event
- our bank statements
- our career path – or
- the fact that we stay home
- homeschooling
- knowledge
- our health
And those are just to name a few. I think sometimes it is very easy for the line to get blurred between being dedicated and becoming idolatrous.
I also read something the other day that really, really made me stop and think. I wish I could remember where I had read this, so if you know and I can link to it, please share. 🙂
I read somewhere that even our very worship can become an idol in our life.
Whoa. Wait. Stop…what?!?! First of all, what does this even mean? Secondly, worship is such a personal and intimate thing, how can we call it an idol?
Well, I think what this person was trying to say is that when we make worship about ourselves our likes, our dislikes, our wants and our “feel-goods,” we are making worship an idol.
Well now. That gives me much reason to pause. I am a musician. I love singing, I love praising, I love raising my hands in worship and I love looking out at a congregation full of others praising the Lord together…
But. but. Is it more about me and how that music makes me feel? Or is it about Him and giving Him glory??
Is it wrong to enjoy worshiping the Lord? And if not, then how do I know if it’s more about me or more about Him? I’m searching my heart and asking God to do the same…
I don’t know where the fine line is, honestly. I’m just throwing out my heart and my thoughts and what I’ve been thinking on lately…
I actually have a post I’m working on (still in my head) about how I believe I have multiple personalities when it comes to church and worship. 🙂 Anyway…that is enough for today…
Please do share – what are your thoughts? If nothing else, I challenge you to think and pray on the topic of idols in our lives. Please Oh God, let it be YOU and YOU alone that takes center stage in my heart and in my life. Please make me more like You, please let my worship be pleasing to You.
**Click here for more information and links for the Bible in 90 Days!
I’m only about a day behind in the reading. Haven’t been able to put in the time to catch up, yet, but keeping up one day behind is not too bad! 🙂
I completely agree with you on the idol thing. The god of this present age (Satan) will put what ever he can in front of us that will draw our attention and devotion away from God. We have to be constantly vigilant that we do not raise any thing, person, action above God in our lives.