I did not realize that we had this AWESOME school for the deaf right in our “own backyard” so to speak! The Tennessee School for the Deaf is in Knoxville and it is just phenomenal. We were blessed to be able to take a tour this past Friday as a part of our unit study on Helen Keller and learning about the human body in our anatomy studies in science.
I absolutely LOVE field trips like this that fit so perfectly with what we are learning, are FREE and are fun for the kids! We were able to see a play while we were at TSD! There is a group of performers, half deaf and half hearing, that tour around schools like this one doing plays for deaf children! How cool is that? They also have narration ( as well as sign language) so that we could all enjoy the show!
We enjoyed our time walking around the very large campus, interacting with many of the deaf students and learning more about this great place!
We saw “Charlie & The Chocolate Factory” last year put on by a group with some deaf actors. It was REALLY well done and so enjoyable to watch.