Take my life and let it be
Consecrated Lord, to Thee
Take my moments and my days
Let them flow in ceaseless praise
Let them flow in ceaseless praise
As we sang this beautiful hymn in church yesterday that last phrase just got caught in my mind. Let them flow in ceaseless praise…that is my prayer for my life. As I am on this gratitude journey, learning to be thankful in all things, I want every moment and everyday to ring out with ceaseless praise!
Moments of praise from this week…
beautiful spring weather
buds on the trees
seeing flowers start to pop up
chocolate cake
3 healthy children
a new couch (finally!! and from Big Lots, of all places!! If you need furniture, you should check it out! The couch we got was from Ashley Furniture, just “last year’s” model!! And we probably paid about 1/4 of the price!)
a couch that dog hair doesn’t cling to 🙂
being reminded of my identity in Christ, Lord…help me believe!
sweet sleep
planning my baby’s 6th birthday party (really?? 6 years old??)
answered prayers
hearing God speak
bringing out the patio furniture! yay!
a clean bathroom
quiet, still, trying to listen
still counting…#1394 ~ 1409
The song you posted is one of my favorites, too! Isn’t it amazing, after reading this book, how the “ceaseless praise” thing just keeps on popping up? I loved your list today, especially the couch!!!! Ya just gotta love Big Lots!!!!