I have tried to compile a list of my favorite Lent ideas. As you recall, I shared here about our *simple* Lent…so don’t get the idea that we are doing ALL of these listed below! In fact, we have done a few each year, but it would be very un-Lent-like to try them all in one year. ha!
Links, Projects & Ideas
Our Easter Garden (plant real seeds and watch grow through the Lent season!)
Passover Unit Study (Mrs. Katz & Tush from FIAR)
Our Passover Seder Dinner
Birds Nest spring snacks
Tomb Cake
Lent Countdown Calendars
Picture Prayer Journal for Kids
Favorite Lent & Easter books
Journey to the Cross: The Complete Easter Story for Young Readers (this one we read a little bit each day starting the first day of Lent all the way through Easter)
Easter bunny are you for real?
Benjamin’s Box
A Tale for Easter (Tasha Tudor Collection)
The Bunny Who Found Easter
The Legend of the Easter Egg
The Parable of the Lily
The Easter Story
Passion Hymns for a Kid’s Heart (Hymns for a Kid’s Heart, Vol. 4)
Lent Is for Children: Stories, Activities, Prayers
Great resources I hope you do post aboutyour childrens grateful journals would love start them with mine.