Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him all creatures here below!
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts!
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
Praising Him for these moments…
beautiful, beautiful spring weather
prayers – answered and unanswered
finding joy in waiting and staying close to Him
kids playing outside for hours on end
swinging children full of laughter
walks around the neighborhood
stopping to talk to neighbors
opening the windows
making my way through the New Testament (Bible in 90 Days)
planning to read & row Make Way for Ducklings!! (a favorite spring time title!)
hearing birds chirp in the morning as we wake
new mercies, every morning
peaceful, quiet Lent
finding ways to slow down
new favorite songs (and artists) — the words to this song are amazing and oh, so true…this has been one of the main lessons of my life! I loved hearing this song for the first time recently!
Here is Laura Story telling about how God gave her this song…
#1425 – 1439
Ann’s linky isn’t up yet – but I kniew I could find some good thank you ‘s by coming here. ƪ(◠‿◠)╯
And my favorite one you your list today was: hearing birds chirp in the morning as we wake – because it’s so Spring-y – but not the crows – I can do without the crows. {smile}
May God Bless and Keep you and make his to face shine upon you and yours.
I sooo love that song, Blessings! It’s my new favorite, too!
And finding joy in waiting. That’s one of those hard ones,isn’t it? It was good to be here tonight and to read your list. Thank you!
What a wonderful list! New mercies, every morning…AMEN!