I have a few new books on my nightstand, so I thought I’d just share a tidbit about what I’m into these days…you know how I love a good book. 🙂
A Biblical Home Education: Building Your Homeschool on the Foundation of God’s Word by Ruth Beechick — I have loved Ruth Beechick’s homeschooling books since I started homeschooling! So far, I’m only a few chapters into this book, but it is very good too! It gives you details on how to implement a Biblical education into your homeschool – giving you practical ideas for how to add Bible into every subject!! **The more I get into this book, the more I think I might put it on the shelf and save it for a few years…some of it is for older kids and it does go into a lot of detail!
The Naked Gospel: The Truth You May Never Hear in Church by Andrew Farley — I am only 5 chapters into this book, but so far I love it. I promise, I’m not a rebel, but I love books like Radical, Crazy Love and this one that convict us in ways that the church has moved away from Biblical standards and the true Gospel that Jesus Christ came to bring us. I read somewhere the other day that it is a good thing to be sensitive to things the church needs to work on – not being critical or negative, but just aware so that we can hopefully be a part of the solution and moving towards being more God-glorifying! This encouraged me, because sometimes I feel *too* sensitive or critical, but I was reminded that God made me this way for a purpose – and I pray that I can just continue seeking Him out and following His lead.
Spiritual Rhythm: Being with Jesus Every Season of Your Soul by Mark Buchanan — yes, this has been by my nightstand for quite awhile now and yes, I am still reading it. 🙂 I like to “chew” on bits and pieces of this book. I will read a chapter here or there and leave it for awhile…but I am still not through the whole thing, it is just too good to read fast and put away! God is showing me a lot about how our lives truly are meant to be lived with the seasons! There will be times of winter in our lives, but also times of spring and hope!! Good stuff! (and very encouraging!!)
So, do tell, what is on YOUR nightstand lately?? I’d love to know what you have been reading!
A few other titles I have recently finished and LOVED!
One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are
And here is my ongoing list of books that are my favorites! 🙂
**I am linking up with Jessica’s Booking It post at Life as Mom!
**I’m also linking up with Kelly’s Korner “show us your life” book thread!
The book on homeschooling sounds like a great one. I plan to start teaching my daughter this fall when she’s five, so I need some good books like this one. Thanks for the recommendation!
I can’t wait to read that one! 🙂 Erin
Love your blog! I am following you!