Grateful for His many blessings…
spring flowers…the reminder that He makes all things new
looking forward to the beach!!
eating apples on the back porch with my kids
reading and relaxing outside
talking with my girls about baptism…they think they are ready!! wow!!
walks with my dog
Mother’s Day weekend with my wonderful mom, grandmother and mother-in-law
this post…wow, wow, wow.
sweet sisters in Christ and time spent chatting (Michelle, I will so miss you over the summer, but you will be in my prayers!! You have become a dear friend!!)
3 beautiful children who made me a momma…the joy, the heartache…it’s all worth it!!
God’s sanctifying me – through my children, motherhood has been one long journey of dying to self, I still have so far to go, but I’m so thankful that He is making me more like Himself!!
the Perfect Father
my girls piano recital – so far both girls love playing the piano, no pressure from me! 🙂 But I sure am glad they are loving it!!
my girls piano teacher, Mrs. Andrea — such a wonderful, Godly woman!! I’m so thankful for the influence she has in my girls lives!
looking forward to the beach (did I already say that?)
#1631 – 1644
Sweet Sister,
You brought tears to my eyes! I will miss you tons!!
The beach! I second that excitement!